The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118070   Message #2574948
Posted By: Catherine Jayne
24-Feb-09 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good thoughts needed for my daughter....
Subject: RE: BS: Good thoughts needed for my daughter....
We have just brought both George and Amelia home from hospital after what has been a very worrying 5 days. They were admitted with bronchiolitis which is a viral chest infection which children under 2 are prone to.

They needed help breathing and a feeding tube fitted as they couldn't feed due to congestion. It was horrible to see our beautiful babies trying so hard to breath and lying in the cots so distressed.

We haven't slept for 5 nights and have been functioning on autopilot. We have some wonderful friends and family though who sat with us and the babies, looked after Harry and brought us food packages.

The twins have got a chesty cough which will last for a few weeks apparently but they are on the mend and have started feeding resonably well. Their oxygen saturation is stable at 93% and we are hoping they will recover quickly. It feels SO good to be home all together.