The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118977   Message #2575824
Posted By: Donuel
25-Feb-09 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Our etermal war in Pashtoonistan
Subject: BS: Our etermal war in Pashtoonistan
The tribal areas of Afghanistan that reach over the border into Pakistan is is actually called Pashtoonistan by experts.

The area is controlled by tribal chiefs and overall by the Taliban.

They have, as you know, taken over a Pakistani resort area called Swat.

Pashtoonistan has hopes of gaining control of Pakistan and the Islamic bomb.

Right or wrong, this is what the Obama Afghan war will be about.

No one has defeated this area.
The British failed, Rome failed, Alexander the Great failed.

sorry I have no cartoon about Pashtoonistan.

The Onion does have a cartoon about Ethniclashistan.