The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93603   Message #2576641
Posted By: GUEST,Shaneo not logged in
26-Feb-09 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: Tune/Chords Req: The Irish Wedding Song
Subject: RE: Tune/Chords Req: The Irish Wedding Song
The song is here with chords, but the chords are in the Nashville Number System

This system uses Roman Numerals instead of chord letters. This is because people do not always play the same song in the same key. Also, some will use a capo, while others will not. This system prevents the musician from having to rewrite chord charts to reflect his/her own key preference.

All numerals are relative to the key you decide to play it in. For example, the "3rd" in a C chord is an E note; using the root (C) as the number one, and counting upwards ie. C = 1, D = 2, and E = 3, etc.