The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118422   Message #2576822
Posted By: Joybell
26-Feb-09 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushfires in Australia - Feb 2009-2020
Subject: RE: BS: Bushfires in Australia - Feb 2009
Thanks, heric and kat. The Prom is one of those truly magic places that everyone feels.
The barometer is dropping towards "change". Why do they never go so far as to say "rain" even when it does? Hot wind's increasing. Temperature is too. Just been filling bird bowls. Birds are not too stressed yet. I don't even think about how low the water is in the tanks. We've got plenty in the house tank.   
My little heat-stressed Ringtail is asleep in his hanging basket inside a cage. There's a doorway out now and he forages around the place all night. Brings home leaves and flowers to put into his covered basket. He's a free Possum again. Lucky (so many creatures in our care are named that) the Mudlark is due for release, but I'll wait until the weather settles.
Some things are so normal. Just collected a basket of tomatoes and we've got some apples that weren't baked on the tree.
Cheers, Joy