The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119010   Message #2576931
Posted By: olddude
26-Feb-09 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: MY version of HELL
Subject: BS: MY version of HELL
My version of Hell consists of stuck in a room listening to non stop Kenny G and given only Jello to eat ... wait wait ... that is not hell that is my local hospital ... why would anyone do that to sick people huh. Went to visit a friend ...

Now I am not proud of the fact that I don't like Kenny G ... but
I don't like Kenny G. I would rather listen to my dog passing gas then Kenny G .. (I apologize) but at least with dog gas understand the smell

And Jello what is that all about, why every time anyone gets sick they shove that stuff down ya like it is going to make you better... well it aint I am here to say ...I am an expert on it and it never made me better, nor did listening to Kenny G brighten up my day even a tad

What is with that little sax anyway ... geeeeeeeze
sorry to all the Kenny G fans ...
I fully expect to be burned for this, I will take my meds as long as I don't have to eat jello