The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119010   Message #2577373
Posted By: SINSULL
27-Feb-09 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: MY version of HELL
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
This thread brings to mind a concert Jacqui and I attended recently. First we cringed; then we laughed; then we left for the sake of those around us. Pure torture.

There is a reason someone goes into a topless coffee bar and it is not in admiration of the female breast. Places like that attract the worst sleaze in the world and those living nearby have to deal with it.
The owner of the Nude Juice Bar in NYC was horrified that the "element" from Jackson Heights was planning to show up by the busload in his gated community. He had utter contempt for us and couldn't believe we would even notice his sleazy little enterprise.
When it threatened to tarnish his own neighborhood, he changed his mind.
The human body is beautiful. It should be respected.
Mary, the Prude.