The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119036   Message #2578610
Posted By: bald headed step child
01-Mar-09 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chinese sweatshops/cost of your computer
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese sweatshops/cost of your computer
Susan, you are right. Education is always the best first step. That's what is so baffling about the heat Obama is taking for investing in education. A little learning goes a long way.

Bonzo, the Chinese govt may not care any more than our govt seems to care quite often.

I think the average Chinese person has the same capacity for caring as anyone else. China has given the world many great things in the past, and will continue to do so. The chinese people, in general, are not the problem, it is the relative few with all the power taking advantage of the masses, just as they do here.

If caring is based on whether everyone else cares, it will not happen. That is just more of the same old, if I do this for you, what are you going to do for me mentality that allows this type of tyranny to occur.

People are people everywhere, and given a fair chance, they are all capable of great things.