The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119030   Message #2578749
Posted By: mouldy
01-Mar-09 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: March 2009 De-clutter & Spring Cleaning
Subject: RE: BS: March 2009 De-clutter & Spring Cleaning
So, I have had a bit of a lull after the removal of ivy from the garden walls. Luckily Peter has now brought the trailer and the last lot will be loaded into it very soon. I have had a massive bread and soup-making session over the last couple of days to provide enough for the visitors to a local open garden, which was on today. I have loads left, and so that's my meals for the next couple of days sorted!

I am going away in just over a week, and will be abroad visiting Alex and Adebisi for a few weeks, and so I have a lot of loose ends to tie off this week. However, it would be nice to think that I could make a start on losing some of the kitchen contents (although by the look of it at the moment, you'd think the contents had already emptied themselves onto all the surfaces - they haven't!) There is also a mountain of ironing to do.

If the weather holds fine I will feel more inclined to get busy.
