The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118929   Message #2579216
Posted By: Mr Happy
02-Mar-09 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: Blitherscrum Folk & Boat Festival 2009
Subject: RE: Blitherscrum Folk & Boat Festival 2009
The exclusive serious regulated singaround will take place as usual in the upper room of the Oddfellows Hall.

Strangers hoping to get a chance to sing, enter at your own risk as you'll receive the traditional local welcome of frosty stares & the cold shoulder.

Heavily enforced turn taking will move in a clockwise direction except when it comes to your go, when the MC will say in an authoritative & autocratic tone ' Let's have one from old Eric, he's sung here from time immemorial, so deserves to get an extra go'

After the ancient local's bored the pants off everybody with his long winded obscure monologue done in a dialect not his own that no one [not even he] understands, you get your guitar poised to start, but no – the whole room explodes into a frenzied shanty chorale, with old Alfie bawling out the verse & the assemblage bawling back the responses