The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #978   Message #2579629
Posted By: GUEST,RWM
02-Mar-09 - 04:39 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Cow that Ate the Piper
Subject: That carnivorous bovine
Greetings folks,

I was hoping to tap the collective wisdom regarding the song
"The Cow That Ate The Piper". I know it is about the times of the 1798 Rebellion, but does anyone know if it was actually written around
that time ( or more likely shortly after.. say 1805-15?). The language
seems pretty archaic, but it might just be the translation I have.
I am looking to see if this is a reasonably contemporary piece or
is it one of those that SOUNDS old, but in reality: "Ahh now
______ __________ wrote that one back in 1957 when he was coming home late one night..."
Thanks in advance, now back to shovelling snow.

Robert Mouland