The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116219   Message #2580611
Posted By: Stewart
03-Mar-09 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: Stan James memorial events
Subject: RE: Stan James memorial events
We are finally going to have a long overdue memorial 'hoot' (hootenanny) for Stan James (Obit: Stan James). It will be on Saturday, April 4th from 7-10 pm at the Haller Lake Community Club, 12579 Densmore Ave N, Seattle. It will be sponsored by the Haller Lake Arts Council and the Pacific Northwest Folklore Society. I thank the Haller Lake Arts Council for securing the hall rent free.

If you have particular ideas for the evening, let me know. We can play some recordings of Stan, but most of the evening will be an open 'hoot' where anyone who wishes to can say a few words about Stan and sing a song. It will be an evening of remembrance, celebration, fellowship and community.

Cheers, S. in Seattle