The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23335   Message #258152
Posted By: Jeri
15-Jul-00 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: Why are most mudcats heterosexual?
Subject: RE: Why are most mudcats heterosexual?
Please define "gay music." Ironic that we've had threads about sexual preference, and no one has tried as hard to get people to stop talking as they do when race or ethnicity comes up.

When I meet Mudcatters or look at their picture, I can see what color they are and what race they appear to be. Unless they're wearing labels, I can't tell their sexual preference. I also can't tell a person's religion/belief system, their political leanings (although much has been said here), or whether they think meeting 100 or so Mudcatters and looking at pictures of a few more is enough to make a generalisation about the demographics of Mudcatters. (perhaps this sample is not representative of the whole.) It would have been more effective if you'd used "most Mudcatters don't use wheel chairs" or "most Mudcatters have brown eyes."

The question asked in the other thread seemed to be about why many in one ethnic group have not accepted music created by that group. I wonder what it is about the subject that makes people actively try to interrupt and/or halt communication. If you don't feel it's true that most Mudcatters are white, how about some reasons? There are loads of minorities here, and to my knowledge, merely saying a minority is a minority isn't prejudiced or mean-spirited.