The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30547   Message #2581559
Posted By: Genie
05-Mar-09 - 12:27 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Yes My Darling Daughter
Subject: Origins: Yes My Darling Daughter / Minka
Thanks for that, Jack.

I could've sworn that, after I learned to sing "Yes, My Darling Daughter," I heard the same tune done by an orchestra, as a sort of classical piece, and I wondered if the folk/pop song had been set to an earlier classical tune.

Checking out YouTube for "Minka," I came across one entry that mentions that this Ukrainian tune has also been used in various classical compositions. That's not unusual.

So it would seem that perhaps an old Ukranian tune (possibly written by Yikhav Kozak?) was 'borrowed' not only by pop/folk musicians but by classical composers as well?