The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52464   Message #2582398
Posted By: Billy Weeks
06-Mar-09 - 04:44 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Jim Along Josey / Jim Along Josie
Subject: RE: Origin: Jim Along Josey / Jim Along Josie

You were replying to a guest message which seems since to have been wiped from the record, presumably because my cookie had crumbled.

For the record, I had questioned what might be done about the offensive term 'Coon song', which historians of popular song are quite unable to avoid. I suggested putting it in inverted commas to indicate that the writer is aware of and not intending to perpetuate the insult. I'm glad you agree.

And I have to admit that my use of 'inverted commas' would be regarded as a bit English-teachery, even in England. 'In quotes' is the common usage today, but I am a bit of a relic, having only recently mastered the technology of the retractable ball-point pen.