The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23340   Message #258317
Posted By: Dale Rose
15-Jul-00 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why aren't most Mudcatters musicians
Subject: RE: BS: Why aren't most Mudcatters musicians
Little Hawk, perhaps you should read the info in the Mudcat FAQ, Newcomer's Guide ~~ THIS IS NOT A CHAT ROOM! OR AT LEAST IT WASN'T UNTIL A YEAR OR SO AGO WHEN A GROUP OF POSTERS DECIDED THAT THEY WOULD TURN IT INTO ONE. I THINK IT IS CLEAR THAT WE ARE ALL REAPING THE "HARVEST" OF THAT SOWING NOW. MUSIC IS NOT WHAT IT IS ABOUT ANYMORE ~~ it is about idle chatter, "witty" comebacks and insults, political agendas, just about everything BUT music. The musical aspects are being drowned out in an absolute cacophony of drivel.

Here I am posing a rhetorical question ~~ what will The Mudcat be when the majority of those who take the time to answer questions leave?