The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109322   Message #2584236
Posted By: Rockhen
08-Mar-09 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Roger Coult, Woja the Hippy (9 March 2008)
Subject: RE: Obit: Roger Coult, Woja the Hippy (9 March 2008)
If I upset anyone for saying this, I am sorry because I really mean no offence. This is maybe a bit emotional but it is meant from the heart. Tomorrow, well, it is actually today, now, is my birthday, no big deal really, but I was devastated last year that this was the date,if any, you had to go, Woja. A year later, I do miss you and have done a lot over the last few months. I know I did not know you like many others did but I will remember you this year, and every year to come...not just with sadness but also with huge affection, love and gratitude that I had the chance to know you just for a short while. I will remember the daft verbal verbal silliness we shared, the brilliant times playing music together with others and you being a true individual, one of a kind. I will remember you singing Beautiful Day and mucking up the timing so we got the giggles at you and ended up winging it to fit round you. I will remember recording on your songs and the gentle teasing you did to put everyone at ease. I will remember the time at Swigs when you got angry that musicians were being treated with little respect and you stood up in their defence. The Teddy bear post-it war, the piano versus strings joking followed by you sticking up for me and defending me to others for wanting to play my piano.
I do not put you on a pedestal, I just would like to see you sitting right next to me and everyone else, still. Thank you for letting me know you for a short while and I will be drinking to you, it may be only an orange juice but I will be thinking of you and those who miss you so much. If there is a door and a heaven they will have let you in by now, cos you always made the knocking last for ages until every, guitarist, mandolin player, comb and paper enthusiast had a go doing a 'turn'!
My life is richer for having known you, Woja. Excuse the sniffling and soggy keys, but I am smiling also at the memories of you that I will remember particularly at this time. Thank you for being you xxx