The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7774   Message #2584840
Posted By: Jayto
09-Mar-09 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: lyr req: jump n' jivin'
Subject: RE: jump n' jivin'
Western Kentucky. Cutting a rug is way more common than rug cutters though.It is VERY common here though. You cannot go where there is any dancing at all without hearing the phrase from someone. Whites seem to use it a whole lot more here. It doesn't even have to be good dancing it basically is used to cover anyone that puts thier all into dancing. If they are really moving and having fun they were "cutting a rug." You could walk up to anyone around and "You cut a rug lately?" and they would know what you meant and respond accordingly. I had no idea this was a jive term because once again I have heard it my whole life. I mean alot not just a few times. Age doesn't matter on this phrase either it spans the generations. Like I said I love this thread because I am learning alot from it.

Race relations around here have always been really good. It is a poor area and races have always mixed openly and really good. You can hear it in the music from this area. Musicians have always hung out regardless of race. I never realized how much of the word usage have mixed until this thread. I have read books (or parts of books I have found on the internet) where they have talked about how well race relations were and are in this are and how much musical and cultural barriers blurred here. The more I pay attention the more I see it and once again today I find another example. Food is another thing that totally blurs cultural differences around here. Soul food and home cooking are the same thing. I remember the first time I had Soul Food when I went on my first trip to the west coast in my teens. I was surprised to find it was nothing other than what I had been eating my whole life . my mom cooked it and my friends moms cooked it and I had never heard it called soul food. It was a new experience that was not new at all just the name lol.
Thanks again for this thread I am enjoying this one more than any I have seen in a while.