The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108389   Message #2584890
Posted By: Art Thieme
09-Mar-09 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: supernatural gone from american songs
Subject: RE: Folklore: supernatural gone from american songs
Alas, some stories are just mesmerizing. Some are just too graphic to ignore. Others pique our interest initially, and then, later, seem to demand we look not only between the lines, but in-between every word. Those can become a life-long passion on various levels.

At last, it is often a case of people/human beings JUST liking a good story. When those tales become too close to our beliefs and where we live emotionally, it is, once again, the old Pleasure Principle rearing it's head. If it gets uncomfortable, it is human nature to clean up the imagery.

Art Thieme