The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23335   Message #258499
Posted By: Bugsy
16-Jul-00 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: Why are most mudcats heterosexual?
Subject: RE: Why are most mudcats heterosexual?
I love it when people keep coming on these threads saying "Don't post and they will just die" Then someone else says, "Yes I agree, If we don't post to these threads They will just fizzle out." Then someone else posts saying. "Posting on these threads just adds fuel to the fire."

Doesn't it remind you of being in a folk club when someone is whispering to someone in the back and the rest of the audience in unison all go "SHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" at at least 10 times the volume of the person doing the whispering?

Just tickles my funny bone I suppose.



Oh, and Why are we mostly male? Why are we mostly Hetrosexual???

Who gives a toss!!!!!