The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119256   Message #2585082
Posted By: Teribus
09-Mar-09 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Killing for pleasure
Subject: RE: BS: Killing for pleasure
"there have been times when I've cooked & eaten fresh (i.e. witnessed) road-kill (to boot: several rabbits, a hare, a nice fat pheasant and a muntjack deer) and great bloody fun & feasting it was too, but generally speaking I like my meat fresh from the butchers." - SS

As opposed to:

"I will not go on trophy hunts anything I shoot goes in the freezer." - T

"I don't see the difference between sport for trophy or sport for freezer; either way it's an indulgence, a lifestyle choice if you will, to go out and kill a wild animal which might have been happier to be alive." - SS

Your road-kill might have been happier to have been alive no doubt - but what I have shot is killed instantly and does not suffer - a heart/lung shot and the animal is dead by the time it drops. If you can't guarantee that you do not shoot. Bit better than to have been hit by a car/truck or whatever wouldn't you say.

If you eat meat "fresh from the butchers" and are not prepared to go out and kill it, clean it and butcher it yourself please do not hypocritically criticise those that can and do. Unlike you I have no delusions about what has happened to the animal who supplied the meat you buy "fresh from the butchers".

Better to live as a wild animal for 18 months than exist three years as a domestic animal on a farm that's bred for slaughter.

Life style choice? Certainly wild game is far healthier to eat than domestically reared animals - alot less fat and far tastier.