The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119265   Message #2585259
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
09-Mar-09 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Capitalism has outlived its usefullness
Subject: RE: BS: Capitalism has outlived its usefullness
If you're reading this message, you're doing so on some type of device which someone created with the profit motive in mind. If you'd like to see total technological stagnation then, by all means, let's do away with capitalism all together. The potential for making money is the only reason anyone creates anything useful. Put everyone to work for the government and the only things that will get created will be bigger bombs, jingoistic art, and tractors that break down every other hour.

The problem isn't capitalism per se, but rampant, unbridled, unregulated corporate capitalism. It's not the small-town independent bank that's the problem. It's Citibank and Bank of America.

I believe that any corporation with over X number of employees or Y number of dollars in sales volume should have in house government regulators who oversee every aspect of the company's operation. Corporate America has been left unsupervised, and they've made a mess of the playground. If they still want to play, they're gonna have to learn to do it with someone watching over their shoulders.