The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119256   Message #2585429
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
10-Mar-09 - 06:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Killing for pleasure
Subject: RE: BS: Killing for pleasure
Bit better than to have been hit by a car/truck or whatever wouldn't you say.

The deaths were accidental - road-kill, as I say; in no way was I advocating motor vehicles as a means to humane animal slaughter.

If you eat meat "fresh from the butchers" and are not prepared to go out and kill it, clean it and butcher it yourself please do not hypocritically criticise those that can and do.

I wasn't criticising, hypocritically or otherwise, simply pointing out that, from a UK perspective, killing for trophy or freezer are both sporting indulgences - choices of lifestyle if you will, rather than the sort of noble survival necessity people seem to be implying here.