The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119179   Message #2586030
Posted By: curmudgeon
10-Mar-09 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: Performance Ability does it matter?
Subject: RE: Performance Ability does it matter?
"10 of them to the same tune"

"For me that is not 10 songs, it's 10 sets of words."

But Richard, you may be missing the nuances of those songs.

"Tramps and Hawkers," "Paddy West," "Come My Little Son," and "Davey Faa" all use the same root tune, but are, or should be, sung quite differently,

Off the top of my head, I can think of five songs that use "Brighton Camp" for a melody, but are sung differently; a note added, a note left out, a different emphasis on the tempo, etc.

Only my tuppence - Tom