The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119265   Message #2586037
Posted By: Bobert
10-Mar-09 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Capitalism has outlived its usefullness
Subject: RE: BS: Capitalism has outlived its usefullness
We have been told that if we just gave all the money to the rich that they would provide good jobs in return...

Well, 30 years into that little experiement we have the results that model has failed...

Face it, rich people use money for their own comforts.. Theyn have absolutely no interets in the security of the country or the other 95%... None... Zip...Nada...

So that being the case, why not just pool our resorces and turn over industry to the people... I mean, how many folks think that GM wouold be on the brink of failure if it were owned by all of US... It should be owned by all of US because in good times we would all enjoy the benefits and in bad times we would all share in the risk... Right now, in good tiimes the rich enjoy the spoils but in bad times the rest of US are asked to carry the load...

That is a sytem that cannot be successful...

Okay, I can understand a little capitalism in terms of samll businesses but not large corpoartions... Don't work no more!!! And too broke to fix...
