The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23335   Message #258704
Posted By: Gary T
16-Jul-00 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: Why are most mudcats heterosexual?
Subject: RE: Why are most mudcats heterosexual?
Well, Guest, it largely is about music and music-related issues. However, it also gets into just about any imaginable subject at times. What you may not be aware of is that there has been discussion, going back years, about the appropriateness of some of the non-music threads. There are various opinions on this, including many that mirror yours.

Please don't be too put off by the responses to your comment. Probably your remarks came across this way: after protracted and as yet unfinished debate on a somewhat divisive topic (the topic of BS/non-music threads), a newcomer (who seems to be unaware of previous discussion on the issue) jumps in with a rather strident admonishment and effectively starts barking orders. Naturally, those who don't agree with that position are going to bristle a bit. (I think they were fairly gentle about it.) Many or most of those who do agree with your position are not even reading this thread, as they find it (and many other threads) exasperating.

There's plenty of music and music-related discussion going on, and plenty of past discussion and information is available through the super-search. If you choose to rail against the non-music related threads, that is your right. You won't be alone in your feelings, but you probably won't get any real satisfaction for your desires.

My counsel--seek that which appeals to you here on the Mudcat, and turn away from that which irritates you. I would hope that you find enough stuff you like to make it a positive, enjoyable experience.