The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119234   Message #2587474
Posted By: GUEST,AR
12-Mar-09 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: True IRA ?? Who are they ?
Subject: RE: BS: True IRA ?? Who are they ?
Keith, you really go at it. Why the hell do you want to stir the pot ? Please don't tell us you don't enjoy firing up the Irish.

I don't see any Irish catters shouting "Up the ira" yet you go on and on and on.

I could see your point if you'd been a serving squaddie over there or lost friends in Ireland, correct me if I got this wrong, but you were a part time soldier in the TA and never saw any kind of service deployment ?

You clearly enjoy going to war against ira men by keypad, but the Irish guys here are into music, plants or their grand kids. Would your time not be better served firing keypad messages on some Irish republican rebel site ?

Man dear it does become boring,and you start threads about peace in Ireland or Irish rebels and welt the back of the Irish for standing against masters who arrived over there from Britain.

Keith, if the German army had landed on my shore during the 1939-45 war my old man would have cut the crap out of them any way he could (he was a Sapper in the Great War).

So Keith, were the Irish wrong not to roll over and take what we did to them ? There was a government in Northern Ireland in the 1950's which treated Irish catholic's like slaves and second grade.

Come on man, be honest, if you knew the south coast was covered in landing craft and your town hall had been taken over you would be one of the first to "tip and run" against their rule.

See it from both sides and give a little more understanding.

Stop trying to start fights and give Irish guys a hard time, life is much too short.

