The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118593   Message #2587628
Posted By: Joe Offer
12-Mar-09 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Gallows Humour-laughing at death/disease
Subject: RE: Folklore: Gallows Humor-laughing at death/disease
I have reopened this thread as a folklore thread, as the thread originator (Sinister Supporter) intended. I have added a message of caution and explanation at the beginning of the thread.
Before you post, I ask you to read ALL of the messages in this thread, and then say what you think.

I got to know a couple, Gary and Claudia, about two years ago, when they were in the process of joining the Catholic Church. Shortly after I met the couple, Claudia was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to undergo a mastectomy and chemotherapy. She lost her hair, and was bald most of last year. Now she's recovering, and she has most of her hair back and went back to work.

But Claudia and Gary laughed a lot through their crisis, and I think it helped them make it through it all. They were honest and open about their suffering, despite all the taboos against such honest talk - and they laughed at their predicament and about themselves, and about the taboos against discussion of such things. I think that their humor helped them make it though; and that humor has always helped us make it through the toughest of times - even though that humor may seem irreverent.

So, what about the humor about Jade Goody and her cancer? What do you think of it? Has humor helped you through similarly dire situations?
