The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118593   Message #2587884
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
13-Mar-09 - 07:59 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Gallows Humour-laughing at death/disease
Subject: RE: Folklore: Gallows Humor-laughing at death/dise
I had never heard of this Jade Goody phenominum before - it ia a total non-issue to me - even though my dear friend told me yesterday she is going in for a hysterectomy - the biopsy was cancer - its just a fact of life.

This Goody thing appears to be similar to the "Challenger Explosion" (for you Brits it was a space shuttle that exploaded with a teacher along for the ride) and the "Christi McAluff" (sic?)dozens of jokes that made the rounds. Telling them to some friends in the course of a discussion - a younger one bacame quite incensed - at the "lack of respect for an American hero." I thought he was joking - he was "dead serious."

For example: "What color were Christi McAluff's eyes?
A: Blue - One Blew to the left and the other Blew to the right.

"What where Christi McAluff's last words to her husband?"
A: You feed the dog - I'll feed the fish.

What were Christa McAuliffe's last words?
A: What's this button for?


They are sort of like the quadruplegic jokes.

Now there are some things you do not laugh about....for example....I never heard a single joke ever about the terrorist attack and killing of 11 Jewish athletes by the PLO in the Munich XX Olympics of summer 1972.

I imagine there must be some 9/11 jokes - but I do not recall hearing one.

I have read some holocaust "jokes" - but I would never repeat them.


I will check some of my old vaudville books and see what they have on death.