The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118593   Message #2588214
Posted By: GUEST,Big Mick
13-Mar-09 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Gallows Humour-laughing at death/disease
Subject: RE: Folklore: Gallows Humor-laughing at death/disease
I must say that I am disapointed in those old stalwarts that cannot see that is a quintessiential Mudcat thread. Over the years one of the hallmarks of the Mudcat is that it would pick the scabs, and allow a snapshot of the human condition in all its glory, all of its irreverance,and all of its underbelly, as well. Relax, oldtimers. This is nothing more than another look at a leaf in the book.

The Irish have long made jokes, music, customs, and commentary that others would consider morbid, or not in good taste. I have heard it said by elders that this had to do with the fact that life was so tenuous for them, that things like wakes, jokes, and songs that might be considered poor form by some, was simply a way to laugh in the face of the only certainty we know of...... that we will die, and often at the choosing of things out of our control.

There should not even be a discussion of closing this thread. Joe is exactly correct to leave it open. And to those that would choose to reject Mudcat, or raising funds for it, I would say it has been a pleasure to know you, and a shame that you cannot see a little above the horizon.

Leave it alone, partner Joe, and don't defend your choice. There is no need.

All the best,
