The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23351   Message #258838
Posted By: JenEllen
16-Jul-00 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: Are Musicians Multi-talented?
Subject: RE: Are Musicians Multi-talented?
Multi-talented? I dunno, but I do bore easily. That has lead me to 'try' lots of things just to see if I can do them. Needlework, crocheting, quilting, woodworking, plumbing, cooking, gardening, painting, photography, electronics (kind of goes along with the woodworking, I just built an RC boat), building willow chairs, stained glass...the list goes on and on. I can't do math to save my life, but I have to know how things work, so starting from the bottom up is a great way to expand knowledge.

~Elle (who can do med. dosages in her head, but can't ever seem to get time zones right...)