The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23351   Message #258844
Posted By: Jeri
16-Jul-00 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: Are Musicians Multi-talented?
Subject: RE: Are Musicians Multi-talented?
He might have meant left brained, but I think the whole brain-sidedness thing is questionable. I'm fairly good at language, but that's supposed to be a right brain thingie. (Isn't it? I can't keep clear on who's supposed to be good at what.) There's a song in this somewhere:
I got my right brain workin' mama...

Homeless, it is a real skill to be able to follow (or give) directions. Ask a computer programmer. I have a friend who is a better gourmet cook than most chefs in restaurants. He also says he just follows the recipies. (Of course, he usually adds something of his own.) If it were that easy, everyone could do it.