The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23340   Message #258870
Posted By: Bill D
16-Jul-00 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why aren't most Mudcatters musicians
Subject: RE: BS: Why aren't most Mudcatters musicians, harpgirl, if you are anon, that means you wouldn't get a personal message...*sigh*...

I have been here since early Jan of '97, under one name...have my own complaints, but just keep plodding along...singing, answering questions when I can, asking a few when I need to..(and ALWAYS getting nice answers)...joking with folks who have become friends, admonishing some others when I thought they needed it.....but ALWAYS grateful this this wild, crazy place exists. Max made the point awhile back that his job was to make the forum available, ours is to make it 'something'....we have, and it is sad that some very nice people have decided it is not quite to their liking. I suppose it is like going to a bar, or a club, or a restaurant--sometimes they change and don't suit YOUR personality. At least here, no one blows smoke directly in your face, and if you open a thread which has loud, noisy people whose posts are silly and/or offensive, you can, unlike a restaurant, make them to shut up with a click of your mouse on the 'back' button. I kinda like that.

you know, 'harpy, I even agree with you about a few people and points you make about them, but mostly they are decent folk, and I am willing to cope with them, but except for 'personally sensitive' material, I hate anonimity...*big sigh*....I sure wish it were easier....