The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119380   Message #2588770
Posted By: open mike
14-Mar-09 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: Open Mike's radio show now streaming
Subject: Open Mike's radio show now streaming
Today, March 14, 2009, and on the 2nd saturday of each month i host the Crossroads radio show. The station has just resumed streaming and my show today from 2:00 - 4:00 Pacific time should be accessible on the web at Check it out and let me know if you can hear me...this will be great, as our low power radio station has a small area of reception...but with the web we can be heard over all the planet--maybe even on other planets!

Today's show will feature Celtic music, as St. pat's day is soon, and fiddle music as the state wide fiddle contest will be held in our town on the last weekend in March.

i can be reached at veraloe(at)gotsky(dot)com if you have any reception reports, or music to offer for the show.
