The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118593   Message #2589663
Posted By: Musket
15-Mar-09 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Gallows Humour-laughing at death/disease
Subject: RE: Folklore: Gallows Humour-laughing at death/dis
Two things to point out, hopefully explaining my views here;

1. Humour is always at somebody's expense. It is the root of humour. Jokes about dogs and penguins only become funny when we give them human traits that we can recognise. Trying to find a funny angle to any current situation is human nature. For some people. the taboo nature makes it more daring, risqué and leads to a double joke, as the sense of outrage will add to some people's perception of being funny.

Example - I find blue comics boorish, yet I admit that after a few pints, some of the jokes begin to get slightly better or appear to, yet I would never laugh when sober.

2. I find it weird that so many people are asking for this thread to be shut down because it is offensive. Yet when I mentioned that as an ex miner, I find the song "Blackleg Miner" deeply offensive, everybody on that thread rattled on about having the right to sing it, has a folklore angle etc etc.   Yes, offence is a relative not absolute condition.

I think that exploring gallows humour is an excellent thread topic. I suppose with 20/20 hindsight, bringing a real live situation ie., Ms Goody into it hasn't helped the purpose of the thread, but hey ho.
