The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119030   Message #2589796
Posted By: katlaughing
16-Mar-09 - 12:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: March 2009 De-clutter & Spring Cleaning
Subject: RE: BS: March 2009 De-clutter & Spring Cleaning
It turned out to be 75 photos! All scanned, three at a time, then I went back in and cropped each one so I have singles of all of them. It's a relief to get them done. We finally finished all of the bed linen and got our bed made, early. I hate it when we stay up late then go in only to realise we can't go to bed because we haven't put the clean sheets, etc. on!:-)

Maryanne, yes, that counts for the accountability thread! Sounds like fun.