The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119343   Message #2589841
Posted By: bald headed step child
16-Mar-09 - 03:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caters to neo-cons - more war
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caters to neo-cons - more war
"What makes you think that I "hate" any special group, race or creed BHSC?"-T

Well, probably the "fuck their human rights" statement.

Many of the people held at Gitmo did nothing wrong other than being born with brown skin. The way they ended up there was one of those "brilliant" plans by the Bush administration to offer rewards for terrorists. All that was needed to collect the reward was for one of the militia groups to say the guy was a terrorist and off he went. No evidence needed. Hell, give me some reward money and I could probably find a bunch of people I don't like. I'm pretty sure at least one of my ex-wives is a terroroist. Where's the money?

I suppose you can deny the hate part, if it makes you feel better, but at least you didn't try to deny the bigot part.