The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119265   Message #2590072
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
16-Mar-09 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Capitalism has outlived its usefullness
Subject: RE: BS: Capitalism has outlived its usefullness
""The man selling milk, with a bit of luck or hard work, soon becomes the man who buys out the other farmers or undercuts them by using migrant workers on cheap wages, then becomes the head of a nationwide milk producing corporation, supplying the corporation which owns the supermarket.........well thats how its gone so far!!""

In my experience Ake, it's not usually the source producer who becomes the corporate problem. He's usually busy working himself into an early grave, just to keep his head above water.

What usually happens is that some bright spark sets up shop in the City, and buys product from the small producers, usually gouging an arm and a leg off them in the process, which he then sells on at huge profits. He wouldn't know a cow from a hole in the ground, but he knows how to rip off them as does.

HE is a corporatist, or an entrepreneur, and he is the problem.

The producers he rips off are capitalists, and THEY are the victims.

Hence my point! You CAN'T generalise about any system which has such a broad spectrum of factors. Capitalism is neither inherently evil, nor inherently corrupt, and many capitalists ARE honest and hard working.

The parasites who live off that honesty and diligence are the problem. It's corporatism that needs to be forcibly restrained.

Don T