The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119265   Message #2590437
Posted By: akenaton
16-Mar-09 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Capitalism has outlived its usefullness
Subject: RE: BS: Capitalism has outlived its usefullness
The two community shops are non profit Carol and the currency seems to be a mechanism to encourage local services. I only heard about it this morning so I haven't much information, but at least it's a start to move away from outright capitalism.

I never suggested that a different way of life could be adopted overnight, as i said above it will take a long time to change the habits of centuries and may even prove impossible given the power at the disposal of the capitalists, but if we want a future on planet Earth for our grandchildren, we must stop what we are doing and make a start on something new now.