The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119441   Message #2590598
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
16-Mar-09 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: Homophobia in Playground Rhymes
Subject: RE: Homophobia in Playground Rhymes
And try to understand why kids are kids,and not sexually orientated-they'll find out which way the wind blows,in the fullness of time !! Let them be kids first, eh ??

I agree (in part, hence the editing). Otherwise the rest of Bubblyrat's post is gut-reactive homophobic subjectivism as its most REPULSIVE.   

Children in her classes are already calling other kids "gay" in a putdown manner.

This comes from South Park (etc.) - I don't think gay in this new pejorative sense means homosexual, any more than it did in its original sense.