The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23370   Message #259064
Posted By: Bat Goddess
17-Jul-00 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: A singer's complaint
Subject: RE: BS: A singer's complaint
Good timing on this thread! At our Friday night session, a "groupie" (one of our regular listeners) described me to his young and folk-innocent girlfriend as "a groupie who sometimes sings with the band." (He's never heard me at a gig, just at the Friday pub sessions.) Then girlfriend asked me if I played any instruments or "just sang." I rattled off what I play and said, "But I prefer to concentrate on singing." THEN, the banjo player who should damned well know better attempted to "accompany" me on "Fathom the Bowl." I restrained myself and only flung wadded up napkins at him (it not being professional to stop singing to chastise a "musician") instead of something much harder and messier. (I really wouldn't have flung a pint of Guinness at him; I don't waste good beer or make a mess for the waitress or take a chance of damaging anyone's instrument.)

Arghhh!!! (Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.)

Bat Goddess