The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119441   Message #2590885
Posted By: Azizi
17-Mar-09 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: Homophobia in Playground Rhymes
Subject: RE: Homophobia in Playground Rhymes
Okay. I get it. I need to be more careful with the italic font commands. My apologies to all. If a moderator wouldn't mind changing the words in this post after the first sentence of the Sinister Supporter section back to regular font, I'd appreciate it. If not, it's alright. I promise to check and double check my font commands from now on.


Thanks to all those who posted "Georgie Best" rhymes. Here's another one from

Georgie Best
Walks like a woman
And he wears a bra
The bra's too big
He wears a wig
And that's why they call him
A sexy pig.


And as another example that "English in the UK is sometimes a foreign language" to people in the United States, when Will Fly wrote that "George Best was a very masculine Irish football star", he meant what Unitedstaters call "soccer".

Also, Will, you wrote that the puppet Zippy had a 'zip' for his mouth. At first, I wondered whether you meant "zip code" (those numbers after addresses that are used for to help expediate the delivery of post office mail), but I figured that you meant "zipper". I've heard the phrase "zip (up) your lip". (meaning "Stop talking"), but in the USA, we say "zipper" and don't shorten it to "zip".

And the George Best example that Nigel shared includes the word "nickers". I've been hangin' out at Mudcat long enough to know that word means what UnitedStaters would refer to as "panties". Btw, is that word also spelled "knickers"? Or is that another article of clothing? (short pants, not underwear?)


Technically, all those examples plus EmmaB's example refer to cross dressing and not homosexuality. But I suppose that many children/adults think that all cross dressers are homosexual, but from what (little) I've read on that subject, that's not true.


Thanks again for those examples and links to other reference material on this subject and related subjects!