The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23388   Message #259094
Posted By: GUEST,Lenny
17-Jul-00 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: Congratulations, I knew you could do it
Subject: Congratulations, I knew you could do it
I'd like to offer my congratulations to all the Mudcatters who took the bait and bit at my thread called "Why are most Mudcats heterosexual?"

I started the the thread as a little experiment with the hypothesis that there was virtually nothing that Mudcatters would not respond to; no matter how stupid the premise.

After less than an hour, there were a bunch of responses. I assumed I had proven my point, so I 'fessed up. The flood picked up with more responses, most from Mudcatters who did not seem to realize that the thread was just bait.

So I came back and suggested that, at that rate, it would 50 posts. Well, I have just returned and see the thread has hit 51 posts.

Thanks to all the Mudcatters who took the bait. You more than proved my point.

Special thanks to Catspaw49 who, by himself, accounted for five of the posts.