The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119030   Message #2591020
Posted By: wysiwyg
17-Mar-09 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: March 2009 De-clutter & Spring Cleaning
Subject: Abrazos: March 2009 De-clutter & Spring Cleaning
I'm spring-cleaning my mind again.

With enough sleep and full spectrum light-- and the Grace of God-- anything is possible, and sustainable.

An example of progress in this department is that I remember now why that upstairs-office idea has been pulling at me and why I've been making progress on it pretty easily: It's a lot like one of my favorite PAID-job offices in a number of ways I do not need to list here.

It goes the previous office one step better, tho. Instead of each step in the stairway being an upgoing inbox, this stairway has wooden banister supports I can use as a standing file rack, and there are only 2-3 I can reach because of the way the steps are configured. But the idea is that if I print something off the downstairs puder for "work," it does not go into my cluttered living room, it goes in my INBOX to be WORKED on, upstairs.

And at the DOWNstairs puder-- the one with internet-- the one for FUN like hockey, and looking up movies-- will go a 3-minute egg timer Hardi is bringing home from his office hourglass collection. If anyone has a chess timer instead, I could use it even better, but the sands of time will do till I can find one. This will be my office assistant to keep my worktime brief on the fun-puder.

I meet later today with another candidate for my support team on the new ventures calling me these days. Her role in that will be to help me discern the holy limits and boundaries too easily lost in the fun.

Wishing you all a productive journey into YOUR spring (or fall),
