The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119459   Message #2591645
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
18-Mar-09 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Witch girl re buried.
Subject: RE: Folklore: Witch girl re buried.
Sounds like fighting fire with fire to me! But then my only concern with religion is in its cultural immediacy; finding the manifest diversity ever more fascinating as I do any form of fundamentalism utterly deplorable. Spirituality is a human scheme, flawed from the outset as people ponder the nature of an all too elusive truth - and whilst they can't all be right they can all be wrong. It's this latter proposition I tend to go by, and my fascinations remain universally Gnostic in the sense of a struggle towards a manifest truth against quite impossible odds. The reburial of ancient bones is so much horseshit; the only bones that matter are the ones with the flesh still on them, however so frail that flesh might be. The day the church (any denomination) throws away the funny hats and the hoo-hah and actually addresses this, I might sit up and take notice.