The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23351   Message #259206
Posted By: Rick Fielding
17-Jul-00 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: Are Musicians Multi-talented?
Subject: RE: Are Musicians Multi-talented?
Cartoonist eh, Larry? Me too. Started out in an Ad Agency, and got fired for "lack of discipline" (who me?). One of the reasons for my lack of interest in Art School was that my dream was to be a hard-hitting political Cartoonist. Not one of the faculty took this seriously. They all said I needed to study Art History and when I countered with, "History is WHY I want to be a political cartoonist", they thought I was a smart-ass. 'Course they were right. I did street caricatures in Cape Cod for a while. Learned how to make the folks with money look better than they really did.
