The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23394   Message #259209
Posted By: Big Mick
17-Jul-00 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: Help: tips/advice for beginning Uillean Piper
Subject: tips/advice for beginning Uillean Pipers
I am in the process of teaching meself the Uillean Pipes. I am using "The New Approach to Uillean Piping" by H.J. Clarke. I have a practice set that I obtained from a fellow Mudcatter. I know we have a number of pipers on the Mudcat. How about it? How about sharing tips and knowledge with those of us learning? For example: What would you say is the most important tip (other than Practice, Practice, Practice) that a beginning Uillean Piper should know?

Thanks for the help you will give.

Big Mick