The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23385   Message #259255
Posted By: Wesley S
17-Jul-00 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: Help: How did you find your band?
Subject: RE: Help: How did you find your band?
I got a job for the group I'm in now. I had seen them perform and enjoyed their music one Sunday. A few days later I was at a board meeting for a charitable event I'm involved in { Cropwalk }. When someone mentioned that it would be nice if they could find some folk singers to perform before the function I quickly said that I would take care of it. When I called the group to set it up I kept dropping subtile hints like " Say - you sing that song in C - I've always done it in D" and " I like your Gibson J-45 - I have a Martin D-18". I think I even mentioned that I played the mandolin. Eventually they got the hint and invited me to audition. That was two years ago. And I just found out yesterday that we get to open for Livingston Taylor in September. I'm stoked about it. Good Luck getting some folks to play with. It really helps.