The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23351   Message #259279
Posted By: Willie-O
17-Jul-00 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: Are Musicians Multi-talented?
Subject: RE: Are Musicians Multi-talented?
OK what the hell. I am just average or less on this list.

I play a bunch of different instruments, from pretty well to not very well, and sing well enough to get by.

I don't do any kind of visual art or craft anything for art's sake. I always say I flat out cannot draw--although I expect I could learn to if I really tried. I have a somewhat spartan aesthetic sense, as in "form follows function"--I like things that are designed to do something well, but stuff that is purely decorative doesn't interest me.

I am lousy at math.

Inductive reasoning, whatever that is exactly, sounds like what I do. I am good at figuring out how to do things.

I am a good writer and can edit or proofread effectively. But I don't do much "creative writing"--I seem to have some kind of mental blockage about making things up.

I am pretty handy with wood and things mechanical. Aside from music, this is when I feel creative. Including interior and exterior finish carpentry, which I like doing because it IS functional--the function being to hide the ugly things behind it.

I have long dreamed of building and restoring instruments and boats, but I'm mostly a dreamer in this regard, although I now have a lot of the skills and tools that I could apply to these projects.

I waffle magnificently and unfailingly. It may be a Canadian thing.
