The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106571   Message #2593075
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
19-Mar-09 - 10:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gay/Anti gay issue
Subject: RE: BS: Gay/Anti gay issue
Don't get me started!! This issue is truly nonsense! All the proof in the world means nothing to those buffoons, who have their minds made matter how asinine, their rap! Get politics out of our personal lives!....Sorry all you, who think the present administration, and the 'nanny state' control that is encroaching on us all, forcing their bullshit agendas, running us all broke..To share and 're-distribute the wealth'...I mean poverty, has a lot of you siding with the ridiculous. With absolutely no scientific proof, you cut and paste some already disproved 'study'(like global warming, and other issues)..and think you are getting somewhere, as to change reality.
..And if you think that being a homosexual, doesn't cloud your perceptions, just ask, Barney Frank,..and listen to all his completely immature assessments, and 'remedies' of the current financial mess we're in! Bush, was not much better, and both parties are pandering to the public with lies, to hide their corrupt dealings..on both sides of the aisle. If this is not already patently obvious to you now, then stick your heads back into the sand, or whatever bodily orifice, convenient to your reach, and 'discuss' your views, to whatever part of your brain, you may find there!!..Oh yeah, try to keep from getting too emotional about it, because most of the arguments out their, and on here, are emotionally driven, with little or no logic, truth, or mental soundness, whatsoever. ...Kumbayah!!