The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23402   Message #259381
Posted By: SINSULL
17-Jul-00 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Garbage dump for responding to idiots
Subject: Garbage dump for responding to idiots
We have an over abundance of nonsense threads, provocative threads, meanspirited threads, etc. I bite my tongue and pass. But it leaves me angry. At the same time, others choose to answer and keep these threads alive.
My suggestion is that this become the answering ground. Ignore the provocation, let it go to the bottom of the list and die, and come here to vent your spleen.
Some people feed on the turmoil they create. Others try to demean members with their nastiness. This may be a way to avoid provoking them. Any takers?

I'll go first:
To the person who ridiculed Spaw for five responses to his nonsense thread re: homosexuality, please note that you came in second with four posts. And you knew it was a farce!